Itongadol.-In an Arutz Sheva interview Avigdor Liberman\’s close aide Yisrael Beiteinu MK, Robert Ilatov, analyzed the Defense Minister\’s strategy and tactics in the security and political arenas and also related to the potential dismantling of Amona and parts of Ofra.
He maintains that Liberman has significantly changed policies regarding a number of issues, both with relation to Gaza and with regard to Judea and Samaria. "We will not accept a smattering of rockets. The response was sharp and harsh and even the Palestinians claimed that it was disproportionate. We are not looking for proportions. We are looking for quiet for residents of the South and whoever chooses the way of terror we will subdue them in an efficient and incisive way."
Ilatov also referred to Liberman\’s "carrot and stick" policy in Judea and Samaria. "Whoever wants normal relations with Israel and a normal life, we will talk with them. Whoever chooses terror will be overcome aggressively."
Ilatov referred to Liberman\’s attempts to bypass Mahmoud Abbas and create new avenues of dialogue with the Palestinian population: "We want to achieve open dialogue with the Palestinians, and are setting up a new internet site which will provide information for Palestinians. We hope that close to four hundred thousand Palestinians will hear the truth on a daily basis." he maintains that there are many intellectuals and businessmen who want to cooperate with Israel since it creates jobs and a different level of discussion as opposed to the continuous incitement of the Palestinian Authority. He also stressed the importance of setting up schools and hospitals.
In the past Liberman has been noted for his belligerent statements, such as that within 48 hours of his appointment as Defense Minister, Hamas leader Ismail Haniya would not be alive. Ilatov says that we are not looking for adventures or an escalation but we will not countenance even a smattering of rockets." For this reason the response was harsh but did not cause loss of life.
Ilatov does not see any "magic solutions" to the Amona debacle or the Ofra dilemma, where 45 dunams of the settlement are slated for possible demolition. He prefers to leave the solution to the judiciary: "One must remember that besides the Defense Minister there are law courts in Israel and we are subject to their decisions. There is law and order here and no decision of the Defense Minister can change things overnight.We personally are against destroying Jewish buildings but we are a legal state and must fulfill the laws of the country."
Ilatov did not rule out finding a creative solution for the settlements but insists that \’we will comply with the law".