Inicio NOTICIAS Israel scores success against skin cancer

Israel scores success against skin cancer

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 Over the past five years, an aggressive campaign predicated upon awareness, identification and research has apparently been responsible for significantly lower skin cancer rates in the Jewish state.

Under the direction of the Israel Cancer Association, newly created skin care apps such as “DermaCompare” and the development of immunotherapy drugs like Keytruda, the campaign appears to have made noticeable headway in fighting the disease.

“We were third in the world in the incidents and mortality after Australia and New Zealand and it was, of course, because we have a lot of people who come from Europe with light skin,” Miri Ziv, the Director General of the Israel Cancer Association told The Media Line. “In the last five years, Israel dropped to the 20th country with the highest incidents (of skin cancer) and in terms of mortality, we dropped to number 13 for men and number 20 for women.”

According to Ziv, the ICA has worked tirelessly for the past half-decade trying to promote a more sun-smart attitude. “We disseminated our sun-smart stuff in TV programs and in the media. Every summer we launch the early detection project and we encourage people to avoid sun bathing from 10-4.” Ziv cited the achievement that while melanoma is still rising significantly for most of the world, it has stabilized in Israel.

Of the three prevalent types of skin cancer, the most common is basal cell carcinoma, followed by squamous cell carcinoma. The least common, but deadliest, is melanoma. “The whole key is early detection,” Dr. Michael Goldenhersch, a dermatologist in Jerusalem told The Media Line. “If you catch (melanoma) early, then it is 100% curable. The whole key to prognosis is the depth of the melanoma itself – the deeper it is, the worse it is.”

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