Inicio NOTICIAS \’Israel and France must cooperate in fighting terror\’

\’Israel and France must cooperate in fighting terror\’

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 Itongadol.-Yesh Atid Chairman Yair Lapid met this afternoon (Monday) with two members of the French parliament, Mr. Ciotti and Mr. Larrivee from Nice. Lapid chose to meet with them in "the Alley", the pub in Nice in which three Israelis were murdered last January, in order to demonstrate the reality Israelis regularly deal with to the members of parliament (MPs).

"Israel has been dealing in the past months with an evil terror wave perpetrated by people who will use any means. France also finds itself facing Islamic terror that is trying to threaten its basic values. Terror must be fought with strength and determination. Israel and France are old allies who share interests, and we must cooperate in the fight against terror," Lapid told the parliament members.

During the meeting the MPs were shown videos from the attack, and were given a step-by-step account at the location. Also discussed were the ways Israel fights against terror and the means France can adopt to fight Islamist terror within its borders.

"Our experience," Lapid told the MPs from Nice, "tells us that the main legal problems come not from the fight against terror itself, but against its support system. For example Islamist organizations that transfer funds to terror groups and Imams in mosques who incite to violence, or incitement on social media. In every country fighting terror there is a need for a law like the Israeli \’terror law\’ that was drafted in the past few months by the Coalition and the Opposition, in order to improve the methods of contending with Islamic terror."

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