Inicio NOTICIAS \’Foiled Jerusalem tram bombing planned by Palestinian student over Temple Mount\’

\’Foiled Jerusalem tram bombing planned by Palestinian student over Temple Mount\’

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 Police and Shin Bet release details of investigation of July 17 incident.

Palestinian civil engineering student from the West Bank’s Hebron University attempted to carry out a mass-casualty bombing attack on Jerusalem’s light rail last month to exact revenge for Jewish visitation to the Temple Mount, police said on Tuesday.

On the morning of July 17, Ali Abu Hassan, of Beit Ila, near Hebron, carried three pipe bombs in a bag to Jerusalem’s Jaffa Center light rail stop, which he intended to detonate during the rush-hour commute. According to a joint police and Shin Bet investigation, released on Tuesday, the day before the attempted attack Abu Hassan entered Israeli territory through nearby Wadi Sur Baher, and then changed his clothes into sportswear “to assimilate into the population,” police said.

“The next day, during the early morning, he prayed in a mosque nearby, boarded a bus in Talpiot reaching the city center, and began to walk along the railway tracks on Jaffa Road until reaching the intersection of Jaffa and King George Streets,” police said.

“When he arrived at the light rail stop at Jaffa station, he began to explore the surroundings in order to find a place for the attack.”

The joint investigation determined that Abu Hassan then observed the station from a nearby restaurant, and decided to target it after seeing many people boarding and exiting the train.

Noting the suspect’s suspicious behavior, security guards stationed nearby questioned him and soon determined he had three pipe bombs in his bag, immediately placed him under arrest, and cleared the area of civilians.

Moments later, police sappers arrived at the scene, who found the connected bombs were interspersed with nails and screws saturated in rat poison, as well as two knives in the bag.

The light rail was shut down for over one hour, until the bombs were neutralized and the area cleared, police said, adding that Abu Hassan planned the attack for several days.

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