Inicio NOTICIAS AMIA attack/UN. DAIA´s president: \»The Argentinian Jewish community didn´t deserve to be criticized\»

AMIA attack/UN. DAIA´s president: \»The Argentinian Jewish community didn´t deserve to be criticized\»

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 After five days of the Jewish Holy Festivities, DAIA´s president in Argentina, Julio Schlosser, talked about the Argentinian president´s speech in the General Assembly of the United Nations, where he expressed his concerns about Cristina Fernandez´s statements, in dialogue with the Jewish News Agency / Iton Gadol.

IG: How did DAIA receive the president´s speech in the UN?

Schlosser: We received it with concern as an institution that has worked and has been willing to clarify the terrorist attack in AMIA. We understand that Iran is not a valid and reliable partner to sign any kind of memorandum, which doesn´t lead to the truth.

IG: Cristina Fernandez´s critics to the Jewish institutions implied that the presentation they made about the unconstitutionality was a legal obstacle to avoid Iran from answering to Argentina´s request.

S: Between this statement and the signature of the memorandum there were more than 15 months, in which Iran didn´t show its intention to implement it. We still believe that the problem isn´t DAIA or AMIA, nor the jewish community, but the partner and the instrument.

IG: Do you think they want to make the jewish community responsible of this?

S: It seems natural that they try to turn the victims into the perpetrators. We are victims of a terror attack, of the only demon that is the Islamic Republic.

IG: Were you surprised by the lack of claims to Iran by the Argentinian president in the UN?

S: Last year she didn´t do it neither. I was surprised by the fact that she tried to make the Jewish community responsible of the actual status of the case. We work together with the prosecution that was built by Cristina Fernandez´s government and we trust in it.

IG: Is the president´s speech a portrait of the null relationship between the Argentinian government and the Jewish community?

S: We believe that we have the right to not agree with the national government in this point. To disagree is not to confront. I wish that the relationships flow through a path of dialogue and understanding because the jewish community worked, works and will work to achieve Argentina´s wellbeing.

IG: How do you receive Fernandez´s criticism to the Jewish institutions?

S: We didn´t deserve it. The jewish institutions don´t try to hamper the AMIA cause and we aren´t worried if Iran is guilty or not. We say it is guilty because the prosecution says that.


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