Itongadol.- The coming year will not be a quiet one in the world of security, Defense Minister Moshe Ya\’alon warned Tuesday during a briefing with journalists at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv.
"Things can occur in every sector," he said, citing the high level of instability afflicting the region.
Causes of instability include the presence of multiple terror organizations in Gaza, heavy fighting in Syria, and Iran\’s strategy of becoming a nuclear break-out state, while remaining the number one state sponsor of terrorism in the world. Additionally, Hezbollah continues to build up its capabilities in Lebanon, and Islamic State fighters are provoking conflict throughout the Middle East, though they pose no immediate threat to Israel, or to Jordan, Ya\’alon said.
The multiplicity of terror organizations in Gaza is challenge to stability, Ya\’alon added.
"What keeps us busy today are the regional developments, and how they impact us," the defense minister said.
Turning his attention to the Gaza Strip, Ya\’alon said Israel is not waiting for a ceasefire agreement with Hamas, adding that Israel already expanded the fishing zone for Palestinian boats to six miles, and opened border crossings to Gaza to an expanded convoy of trucks carrying humanitarian aid.
The Palestinian Authority will likely take control of the Gazan side of the Rafah Crossing with Egypt, Ya\’alon said. The PA will also be the channel through which funds arrive in Gaza, he said.
Nevertheless, Hamas will remain the dominant force in Gaza, Ya\’alon said, adding, "We have no illusions about this." Ya\’alon defended the performance of Military Intelligence during the Gaza war, saying it met expectations. He also rejected criticisms that there were not enough creative Israeli operations in Gaza, adding, "A war is not about gimmicks. Creating 7,000 targets and attacking them from the air, ground and sea, is what we did. It doesn\’t have to be creative, it has to be effective. We did carry out daring raids as well."
In the West Bank, Israel is working to strengthen the Palestinian economy, and allow Palestinians in cities like Jenin to "live honorably," Ya\’alon stated. Jobs, like construction in Israel and the new Palestinian city of Rawabi in the West Bank, as well as local factories, mean that the level of employment in the West Bank is "reasonable," he added.
Addressing the Iranian nuclear program and Tehran\’s talks with the international community, Ya\’alon noted that a July deadline to reach an agreement was reached, and expressed doubt over whether the new deadline of November would be met.
"Our position on this issue is clear. Any agreement that leaves Iran with independent enrichment capabilities is unsatisfactory…. From our perspective, leaving core capabilities in Iran\’s hands is not acceptable," he said , Addressing the upcoming process to select a new chief of staff, Ya\’alon said the next military chief would be selected from among serving senior officers, thereby ruling out the possibility that former southern commander Maj.-Gen. (res.) Yoav Galant will be chosen for the job.