Inicio NOTICIAS 27 January 2010. Summary of Editorials from the Hebrew Press

27 January 2010. Summary of Editorials from the Hebrew Press

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Ma’ariv is alarmed by what it perceives as an increasing trend by Israeli national religious youth towards becoming more ultra-orthodox and argues that this should concern not only the religious Zionist community but also society as a whole.
Yisrael Hayom commends the Knesset House Committee’s 9-2 decision yesterday to deny National Democratic Assembly MK Said Naffaa’s request for a grant of immunity from prosecution over his 2007 visit to Syria.  The author reminds his readers that MK Naffaa went to Syria, in violation of the law, "despite a warning from [Attorney General] Meni Mazuz," and defends the House Committee’s decision especially since the facts are not in dispute.  The paper asserts that "MKs have no permission to speak – of their own volition – with the enemy," and believes that the decision strengthens the rule of law.
The Jerusalem Post discusses the Iran nuclear weapons program, and states that this is really one of those cases where the wolf really is at the door. To halt further progress, the editor calls on the Western countries to "block lines of credit to Iran’s central bank and to banks that do business with it; target the corporate and personal assets of the Revolutionary Guard, and stop insuring tankers sailing to Iranian ports."

Haaretz comments that the government was foolish to boycott the Goldstone committee, and claims that Israel is currently persisting in an attempted cover-up. The editor maintains that "The prime minister must immediately act to appoint a state commission of inquiry, chaired by a Supreme Court justice, and stop covering up and avoiding a thorough investigation of the truth

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